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Three Types of China’s Chemical Pesticides Yield Lower in August 2015 Total Yield Up 2%

責(zé)任編輯:Ellie Xu 來源:China Crop Protection Industry Association 日期:2015-10-21

The data from the National Bureau of Statistics shows that total yields of China’s chemical pesticides was 299,782 tons in August 2015, up 1.64% year on year. The China’s cumulative production of chemical pesticides was 2,438,603 tons from January to August, up 3.20% compared with same period of 2014.


Three types of China’s chemical pesticides yields lowered in August. Total yields of herbicide were 139226 tons, down 6.34% compared with same period of 2014, 46% of the period entire chemical pesticide yield. Total yields of insecticide were 41,380 tons, down 5.31% compared with same period of 2014, 14% of the period entire chemical pesticide yield. Total yields of bactericide were 12,299 tons, down 24.24% compared with same period of 2014, 4% of the period entire chemical pesticide yields. The top three highest yields provinces in August 2015: Shandong 82,607 tons, Jiangsu 79,678 tons, Henan 27,978 tons.


The China’s cumulative production of herbicide was 1,162,685 tons from January to August, down 0.99% compared with same period of 2014, insecticide 353,599 tons down 2.31%, and bactericide 121,646 tons, down 9.35%. 

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