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The 13th Five Year Development Plan of Agrochemical Industry

責(zé)任編輯:Ellie Xu 來源:China Crop Protection Industry Association 日期:2015-10-19

1. The current situation of agrochemical industry

(1) The general situation of agrochemical industry

(2) The achievements of agrochemical industry

(3) The existing main problems of agrochemical industry 


2. The situation faced by agrochemical industry

(1) The global agrochemical development situation and trend

(2) Domestic agrochemical development circumstance

(3) The opportunities and challenges faced by agrochemical industry  


3. Guiding thoughts and basic principles

(1) Guiding thoughts

(2) Basic principles


4. Development goals and main tasks

(1) Development goals

(2) Main tasks


5. Industrial policy and guarantee measures

(1) Industrial policy

(2) Guarantee measures


If you need the detailed development plan, please contact us.

Ms.Ellie Xu/Dr.Duan Yousheng

E-mail:ccpiaxll@126.com/  hour1019@hotmail.com


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